Sunday, June 6, 2010

the banality of hope

I am sure I have found myself in one of these life situations which seem like they will inevitably land with some sort of heartbreak, regret or pain. But for the life of me, I cannot fathom what I would feel like if I didn't try.
I've never had to deal with massive distance between myself and a boyfriend (not that I've had that much experience) but now I'm picking my way between have a relationship with someone over 3000 miles away!!!
I definitely didn't expect the pain.
I cried yesterday, just thinking that we will not be able to do banal things like go out for Chinese or to watch a movie. I will have to do without his cuddles, kisses and his smell. We are venturing into the world of video calls on Skype - virtual kisses and a whole lot of I miss you like hell.
Sometimes I swear I've got nothing at all except my insane hope that this can work and that little special flutter in my heart when I think of his face. And you know, I guess when you think about it - at least for now, in this second, that is more than enough.

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